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Code of Ordinances |
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§ 27-283.12. Off-street parking space standards.
Regular car off-street parking layout:
(in feet)On Diagram 0° 45° 60° 75° 90° Stall width perpendicular to stall length of line A 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Stall length of line B 24.0 27.0 23.2 20.4 18.0 Stall depth to wall C 9.0 19.1 20.0 19.7 18.0 Aisle width between stall lines D 12.0 11.0 18.0 22.0 24.0 Module width wall to wall E 30.0 49.2 58.2 61.4 62.0 Bumper overhang
(optional)F 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Back-up width G — — — — 7.0 Cross-aisle one-way H 10.0 (min.) and 15.0 (max.) Cross-aisle two-way H 20.0 (min.) and 30.0 (max.) Note:
Bumper overhang not permitted over landscaping or sidewalk area.
Compact car off-street parking requirements and stall layout:
Compact car parking may be allowed for up to sixty-five (65) percent of the required spaces. Compact car parking may be provided for up to one hundred (100) percent of the spaces in excess of the required number of spaces.
For ninety-degree compact parking, the minimum stall width shall be eight (8) feet and the minimum stall length shall be sixteen (16) feet. There need to be no provision for bumper overhang for compact parking.
Compact parking spaces shall be clustered in groups and located within easy access of an entrance so as to be desirable and fully utilized.
Compact parking spaces must be designated as being for the exclusive use of compact cars through the use of signage or marking.
The overall design must be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Development Department (PDD), with consultation with the department of public works, if required.
The parking layout dimensions (in feet) for eight-foot compact parking stalls at various angle is shown below in PKG Table 3.
The off-street parking stall layout for compact cars is also controlled by PKG Graphic-2.
Compact parking spaces shall not be utilized for single-family detached, semi-detached, attached, two-family, or multi-family townhouse style units, which are located within a garage or in tandem. Please refer to "27-283.12(a) Regular car off-street parking layout" for required dimensions.
(in feet)On Diagram 0° 45° 60° 75° 90° Stall width perpendicular to stall length of line A 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Stall length of line B 22.0 24.0 20.6 18.1 16.0 Stall depth to wall C 8.0 17.0 17.8 17.5 16.0 Aisle width between stall lines D 12.0 11.0 18.0 22.0 24.0 Module width wall to wall E 28.0 45.0 53.6 57.0 56.0 Bumper overhang (optional) F — — — — — Back-up width G — — — — 6.0 Cross-aisle one-way H 10.0 (min.) and 15.0 (max.) Cross-aisle two-way H 20.0 (min.) and 30.0 (max.) Off-Street Parking Stall Layout—PKG Graphic-2
Parking for the handicapped shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the F.S. §§ 316.1955 and 316.1956 and shall be included in the minimum number of parking spaces required by this article.
All residential uses shall be required to provide a hard surface parking area, made of concrete and/or permeable paver material, within the private lot for all required parking spaces. In addition, the driveway access (apron) located in the public right-of-way is required to be paved in order to preserve the edge of the roadway and protect it from erosion and damage.
All off-street parking lots shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area, in accordance with this Code and the design standards of the department of public works.
Lighting, if provided, shall be directed away from public streets and residential areas and shall not be a hazard or distraction to motorists traveling on a street.
Sales, dead storage, repair, dismantling and service of motor vehicles shall not be permitted on off-street parking spaces.
All off-street parking spaces, including all areas for maneuvering, shall be located solely on private property and shall not utilize public property or public street rights-of-way, except for single-family detached, semidetached and attached uses and multi-family development with no more than four (4) units on the zoning lot. Single-family detached, semidetached and attached uses and multi-family development with no more than four (4) units on the zoning lot may utilize public rights-of-way for maneuvering, provided that all the following conditions are met:
The proposed use is a permitted or special use;
The parking spaces are located entirely on the zoning lot;
For single-family attached uses and multi-family development with no more than four (4) units on the zoning lot, the available traffic data must show that the traffic count on the street providing access is less than or equal to one thousand five hundred (1,500) vehicles per day. The traffic data shall be verified and approved by the department of public works.
All off-street parking spaces may utilize public alley right-of-way for maneuvering into and out of a legally sized (per this section 27-283.12) parking space provided the following are met:
If the alley is unimproved, the developer must improve the alley per department of public works standards. Or, if the alley is already being accessed by other properties on the block, the alley must be evaluated by the department of public works to determine if the existing condition of the alley is able to support the additional traffic. The department of public works may require the developer to improve the alley.
The dimensional standards in this section must be met per PKG Table 2 and PKG Table 3. The total width of the public right-of-way of the alley may be counted toward the required aisle width. Modification to these standards may be approved by the manager of the transportation division provided safe ingress and egress to the parking space is demonstrated.
The access to the alley must be designed to ensure adequate visibility is provided per section 27-283.5.
All off-street parking areas shall be designed to provide safe and convenient circulation, in accordance with commonly accepted traffic engineering practices and subject to the review and approval of the director of the department of public works.
Nonresidential parking lots and garages shall be designed to minimize impact to residential neighborhoods. In connection herewith the following requirements shall apply to all nonresidential parking lots and garages.
Ingress and egress to nonresidential parking lots/garages shall be limited to arterial or collector streets, unless one (1) or more of the following conditions exist:
The property fronts only local street(s); or
Access to all adjacent arterial or collector street(s) is/are discouraged or rendered impracticable by another provision(s) of the City of Tampa Code; or
Access to all adjacent arterial or collector street(s) is/are prohibited by the Florida Department of Transportation or another governmental entity; or
No residentially zoned property exists on the affected segment of a local street where ingress and/or egress is proposed to a nonresidential parking lot or garage. For purposes hereof, the "affected segment of a local street" shall mean the segment of a local street where ingress and/or egress to a nonresidential parking lot or garage is proposed lying between the two (2) closest intersecting arterial or collector streets.
If one (1) or more of the conditions set forth above exist, then ingress and egress to the nonresidential parking lot or garage on a local street shall be permitted without requiring a waiver or special approval from the city; provided, however, the design and location of the ingress and egress to a nonresidential parking lot or garage on a local street shall comply with the requirements provided herein.
In the event that none of the conditions contained in subsection 27-283.12(j)(1) apply, the owner of the property on which the nonresidential parking lot or garage is or will be located may file an application with the city requesting a waiver allowing ingress and egress to a nonresidential parking lot or garage on a local street.
Applications for a waiver shall be filed with the Development Services Center and shall include the following information:
The name and address of the applicant;
The name and address of the owner of the property on which the nonresidential parking lot is or will be located;
The legal description of the property;
Evidence that one or both of the conditions set forth below exist; and
A list of all property owners located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the subject property based on information supplied by the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser's Office.
The Development Services Center shall transmit the application to the Transportation Division. The Transportation Division may grant a waiver allowing ingress and egress to a nonresidential parking lot or garage on a local street if the Transportation Division finds that one (1) or both of the following conditions exist:
The local street primarily serves commercial traffic; or
The Transportation Division determines that the failure to allow ingress/egress to a local street in addition to, or in lieu of, ingress/egress to an arterial or collector street, will have a significant detrimental impact on traffic flow or safety on surrounding streets.
The Transportation Division shall notify an applicant, in writing, of its decision on an application for a waiver of the driveway location requirements set forth herein. If the Transportation Division issues a written decision approving such a waiver, then the applicant must thereafter provide notice of that decision to the officially registered neighborhood association, as registered with the City of Tampa, in which the subject property is located, and to all other officially registered neighborhood associations that lie within two hundred fifty (250) feet, including roads and streets, in all directions from the subject property, and to his or her neighboring property owners within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the subject property consistent with those public notice procedures set forth in section 27-149(c)(2); however, the applicant must submit an affidavit regarding notification and certificate of mailing to the Transportation Division within ten (10) days of receipt of the Transportation Division's decision. In the event that the applicant fails to properly notice the waiver or fails to timely file the affidavit regarding notification and the certificate of mailing, then the waiver shall be denied. If the application for a waiver is denied for any reason, then no application for the same or similar waiver shall be accepted and considered by the city until three (3) months has elapsed since the date that the prior request for the same or similar waiver was denied. Decisions of the Transportation Division in connection with an application for a waiver may be appealed by an applicant, an appointed representative of the registered neighborhood association, or the owner of property within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the subject property to the variance review board or the Architectural Review Commission (in historic districts, generally, or landmark sites) or the Barrio Latino Commission (in the Ybor City Historic District) in accordance with section 27-61(a). Any such appeal must be filed either within fifteen (15) days of the date of a letter from the Transportation Division denying the waiver, or within fifteen (15) days of the date of the certificate of mailing of notice of a decision approving a waiver, whichever is applicable. No permits shall be issued for construction or development until the applicable fifteen-day appeal period has lapsed, and if an appeal petition has been filed, until the appropriate board has rendered a final decision thereon.
In the event ingress and egress to a nonresidential parking lot or garage on a local street is allowed in accordance with the terms hereof (by waiver or otherwise) and the local street is adjacent to a residential neighborhood, then, to the extent practicable and safe the driveway shall be designed to channel traffic away from the residential neighborhood. This driveway may not exceed the minimum distance from an intersection as required by the department of public works.
A proposed development shall be exempt from the requirements of this subsection if it has received a final local development order as defined in the concurrency management system ordinance on or before January 31, 1990.
For all non-residential uses, half of the required number of off-street parking spaces shall be surfaced with asphalt or Portland cement binder pavement or an equivalent improvement so as to provide a durable and dustless surface. In making a determination as to the suitability of an equivalent improvement, the city traffic engineer shall find that such improvement:
Provides a safe and permanent surface, suitable for the quantity and quality of traffic expected to use it; and
Provides a surface that will accept permanent delineation of parking spaces, aisles, accessways and maneuvering areas; and
Provides a surface that will not contribute to erosion or sedimentation, either on-site or off-site; and
Provides a surface that meets the design standards of the department of public works; and
Complies with applicable local, state, and federal regulations regarding access to and maneuverability within said areas for people with disabilities.
The balance of the required parking spaces shall be a hard rock surface or material deemed acceptable by the city traffic engineer, which shall be designed to include bumper stops or other department of public works approved methods of delineating parking spaces.
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